_Fanatics the world over should suit up and prepare for lift off as the epic Battlestar Galactica game offers some of the best action and most entertaining gaming available on the Internet today- at no charge. Individuals interested in acquiring membership to this outstanding interface must simply submit a working e-mail address and password for access to the interstellar missions and technology with cherished characters from the original script. Players are faced with split second decisions along the way and must utilize strategic tactics to defend the human race or join forces with the evil Clyons for their annihilation.

No one can hear you scream in space- except of course for others in the cockpit, as members execute laser cannons, barrel rolls, and more during their interaction with millions and millions of other players from across the globe. Battlestar Galactica enables users to select characters and intermingle with other participants for extraordinary role playing in this exciting massive multiplayer online game. Chat boxes also empower players to communicate with teammates and enemies, in addition to the standard e-mail systems that are set up for every new player. Cadets not only utilize their e-mail portals to launch witty or friendly messages, but to also receive important game information about upcoming events, new levels, and more.

Players must immediately decide upon entering the Battlestar Galactica domain whether to fight for Clyon or Colonial forces- or simply to allow destiny to be the determining factor, as users may also choose for sides to be randomly assigned which also warrants bonus supplies, like experience points, for selecting this option. Colonial forces can then choose from the cherished and honorable members Apollo, his father Admiral Adama, Chief Tyrol, or Starbuck; Clyon members must choose between the infamous Six, Cavil, Leoben, or Boomer. Members must prepare for the carnage ready to ensue, as Raiders and Marauders engage in heavy warfare with Vipers and Raptors along with other new war-crafts to deliver equilibrium or annihilation- or both. If you desire to learn more regarding this topic, feel free to check out photobucket.

As the action develops, members will find themselves transported to an unknown region of space with limited supplies and maximum damages, due to an unforeseen energy blast which activated the FTL drives in all ships. To become the prevailing team, members must scramble to gather the resources they need while attacking and defending during battle. Individuals must visit and progress through surrounding star systems to accomplish their tasks and return home safely.

Members can view a sundry of screenshots and many videos for a preview of the adventure that lies ahead. The game forum supports members in answering a variety of questions concerning issues and portraying frequently asked questions that players will be interested to review. Go online to Battlestar Galactica today to explore an exciting take on nostalgic screenplay in this new frontier. You can get extra information if you go to Battlestar-Galactica.Bigpoint.com.